Impacto economico de las intervenciones no farmaceuticas adoptadas por la COVID-19: El caso de Paraguay


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The objective of this article is to quantify the negative relationship between economic activity and COVID-19 containment through the implementation of nonpharmaceutical interventions in Paraguay. The article calibrates the model developed by Eichenbaum, Rebelo, and Trabandt using data from Paraguay. It uses the model to simulate the trajectory of economic activity, considering three different infection scenarios. The first is a flexibilization of the nonpharmaceutical intervention measures that are still in force. The second studies the economic impact of containing an acceleration of the infection. The third analyzes a reduction in infection and its effect on the economy. These case studies allow for an approximation of the economic cost of containing the infection.
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epidemics,COVID-19,SIR macro model,Paraguay,epidemics,COVID-19,SIR macro model,Paraguay
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