MEGADES: MEGARA Galaxy Discs Evolution Survey. Data Release I: central fields

Astronomy and Astrophysics(2023)

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The main interest of the Science Team for the exploitation of the MEGARA instrument at the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC hereafter) is devoted to the study of nearby galaxies, with focus on the research of the history of star formation, and chemical and kinematical properties of disc systems. We refer to this project as MEGADES: MEGARA Galaxy Discs Evolution Survey. The initial goal of MEGADES is to provide a detailed study of the inner regions of nearby disc galaxies, both in terms of their spectrophotometric and chemical evolution, and their dynamical characterisation, by disentangling the contribution of in-situ and ex-situ processes to the history of star formation and effective chemical enrichment of these regions. In addition, the dynamical analysis of these inner regions naturally includes the identification and characterization of galactic winds potentially present in these regions. At a later stage, we will extend this study further out in galactocentric distance. The first stage of this project encompasses the analysis of the central regions of a total of 43 nearby galaxies observed with the MEGARA Integral Field Unit for 114 hours, including both Guaranteed Time and Open Time observations. In this paper we provide a set of all the processed data products available to the community and early results from the analysis of these data regarding stellar continuum, ionized and neutral gas features.
galaxy, bulge, galaxies, ISM, evolution, stellar content, techniques, imaging spectroscopy
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