A Hydrogen Refueling System for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: Towards Low Carbon Oriented Power and Transportation Systems

Yu Fang, Chen Junshi, Xie Tianyou, Zhang Zhitao,Yao Ying,Tao Yuechuan

2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC)(2022)

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With the development of the hydrogen industry, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) powered by hydrogen are believed to have a promising future and will play an important role in low carbon-oriented power and transportation systems. In this paper, we present a management strategy of the hydrogen refueling system for FCEVs that comprehensively considers the hydrogen supply chain, the operation of hydrogen production stations (HPSs), and the operation of hydrogen production stations (HPSs). Based on the proposed carbon footprint tracking method, the carbon emission caused by the HPSs can be estimated, and the HPSs are encouraged to utilize renewable energy to produce hydrogen by applying carbon tax. Hence, an efficient and low carbon-oriented hydrogen refueling system is established. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified in the case studies, and it is found that the proposed method can ensure the hydrogen supply while effectively realizing emission control.
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Key words
Fuel cell electric vehicles,hydrogen refueling system,hydrogen production stations,carbon footprint tracking,carbon tax
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