Lutein/β-carotene ratio in extra virgin olive oil: An easy and rapid quantification method by Raman spectroscopy.

Food chemistry(2022)

Cited 3|Views11
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Carotenoids play an important role in the stability, freshness, and nutritional value of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO). However, the carotenoid content in EVOO changes over time as a function of olive ripening and degrading events. A reliable quality marker is the ratio between the two most abundant carotenoids, namely lutein and β-carotene, since the second degrades more rapidly. Thus, to obtain a fast quantification of the lutein/β-carotene ratio in olive oil could deserve a certain interest. Resonant Raman spectroscopy is a rapid and non-destructive technique, widely applied for food chemical characterization. In this work, using high-performance liquid chromatography and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy as calibration techniques, we present a reliable method to assess the lutein/β-carotene ratio in EVOO using a single Raman spectrum. The novel approach deserves several methodological and applicative interests, since it would allow rapid, on-site screening of EVOO quality and authenticity, especially if implemented as a portable system.
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