Market demand analysis and validation of Ace Aquatec Seal Detection system for protecting salmonids from predation in fish farms

Arif Reza Anwary, Arnina I. Goodlad, Donald Sutherland, Nathan Pyne-Carter,Amir Hussain

2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)(2022)

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Ace Aquatec Ltd develops products that tackles problems in aquaculture, while ensuring all animal’s welfare, including predators. Seals are a prevalent predator of fish, breaching the cage leading to increased stress and mortality. To address such issues, a market demand analysis was conducted to understand the key priorities in preventative measures. Based on this analysis, a seal trigger camera system was developed which detects and tracks seals, before triggering deterrent systems. To ensure that all market demand criteria was met, a trial was conducted considering different scenarios such as time, lighting and movement, to show the efficacy of the system to rigorously test the software. The system achieved up to 99% confidence with coverage of a circular area up to 125664m 2 for detecting seals. The respondents were presented with the system and asked for their feedback. Most respondents believed this would be an effective system which addressed all their primary concerns. Our system will save the industry time and money, while protecting salmon, the environment and other species. It will also fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals of Agriculture and Food Security (SDG2) which will contribute towards Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG3).
Seal Detection,Seal Monitoring,Seal Deterrent,Aquaculture,Predator,Salmon
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