In Silico, Brain Mesh Platform for Computing Topographic Dependent Internal Facets


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Individualized and anatomically correct computational models of the brain can be leveraged to improve knowledge of drug dispersal following simulation of drug delivery. Using a patient's magnetic resonance image (MRI) scans, we were able to reconstruct the pial surface of the brain of the left hemisphere with strong anatomic accuracy. We then established the major internal features, including the lateral ventricle, a tumor, and drug delivery catheters. These were able to include relevant tissue characteristics such as porosity and permeability in the Multiphysics platform COMSOL to create a platform for brain modeling. To test the performance of this platform, we simulated direct drug infusion in both a healthy patient brain and a diseased patient model, focusing on glioblastoma (GBM). Using this platform, we simulated perturbed convection enhanced delivery of a cancer medication (similar to temozolomide (TMZ) but modeled using methylene blue) to the tumor. Consequently, with our patient derived model, we are able to simulate solute dispersal and fluid flow representative of in vivo conditions. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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