TakeCare: An Approach to Help Bangladeshi Young Adults During Depressive and Suicidal Episodes

Md. Ashikur Rahaman, Shamia Ferdousy, Fatima-Tuz-Zohora Mithila,Mahdia Amina,Bijan Paul,Khan Raqib Mahmud

ICT Systems and Sustainability Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(2022)

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Civilized urban life became busier and our needs evolved. The evolution from a hunter-gatherer society to a modern civilized society puts the human mind in the most challenging situations. Stressful life and unhealthy coping behavior make us depressed and that lead to suicide. Different lifestyle guides and therapy practices help people who are hurting themselves. Another popular service people are comfortable with using is smartphone apps. The number of mental health app users is increasing, but the suicide rate is still high. Especially in developing countries like Bangladesh, where psychopathological factors are mostly stress, anxiety, and depression. We have limited resources, no suicide surveillance system, and no authority to monitor the statistics. Services dedicated to suicide prevention are mostly volunteer or private groups, also not accessible to all people. In this research, we studied ways to determine the severity of mental disorders and offer a smartphone application for appropriate help. Through our mobile application, we analyze and categorize diseases and suggest users’ actions to take. In times of crisis, users can contact emergency help services or professionals or friends and families for support.
Mental health, Depression, Suicide control
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