Long-term treatment with nebulized colistin in oncological patients with recurrent respiratory infections.

Paula Suanzes,Juan Aguilar-Company, Esther Rodríguez-González,M Teresa Martín-Gómez, M Rosa Gómez-Domingo,Isabel Ruiz-Camps

Medicina clinica(2022)

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OBJECTIVES:To assess the efficacy of long-term treatment with nebulized colistin in reducing the number of respiratory infections, emergency consultations and hospitalizations in oncological patients. METHODS:A retrospective, observational, single-centre study including patients with solid or haematologic malignancies, or pulmonary GVHD after HSTC who received treatment with nebulized colistin for at least six-months to prevent recurrent respiratory infections (July 2010 to June 2017). RESULTS:Twelve patients were included (median age: 54.4, range: 23-85), 7 with solid malignancies and 5 with haematologic malignancies (2 with pulmonary GVHD). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequent microorganism in sputum cultures (11/12 patients), all strains were susceptible to colistin. There was a statistically significant reduction (p=0.01) in respiratory infections in the six-month period after starting colistin (median: 1, range: 0-4) compared to the six-month period before (median: 4, range: 1-8). There was also a reduction in emergency consultations (precolistin: median: 1.50, range: 0-3; postcolistin: median: 0, range: 0-3) and hospitalizations (precolistin: median: 1.50, range: 0-3; postcolistin: median: 0, range: 0-3) due to respiratory infections. No colistin-resistant strains were identified. CONCLUSIONS:Long-term treatment with nebulized colistin may be useful to reduce the number of exacerbations in oncological patients with recurrent respiratory infections.
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