Simple Preparation of Metal-Impregnated FDM 3D-Printed Structures


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Modifying the natural characteristics of PLA 3D-printed models is of interest in various research areas in which 3D-printing is applied. Thus, in this study, we describe the simple impregnation of FDM 3D-printed PLA samples with well-defined silver nanoparticles and an iron metal salt. Quasi-spherical and dodecahedra silver particles were strongly attached at the channels of 3D-printed milli-fluidic reactors to demonstrate their attachment and interaction with the flow, as an example. Furthermore, Fenton-like reactions were successfully developed by an iron catalyst impregnated in 3D-printed stirrer caps to induce the degradation of a dye and showed excellent reproducibility.
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3D-printing,FDM,silver nanoparticles,metal impregnation
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