Sediment sulfate content determines assembly processes and network stability of bacteria communities of coastal land-based shrimp aquaculture ponds


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Sediment bacteria communities in shrimp pond are intricately linked to ecosystem function and the provision of services, such as nutrient cycling and excess nutrient metabolism in sediment. However, little is known about the main factor (assembly processes) governing abundant and rare bacterial diversity in land-based shrimp ponds. This study quantified the composition, spatial distribution, and assembly mechanisms of bacterial communities sampled from the sediment of 78 land-based shrimp ponds distributed along approximately 1700 km of the southeastern coastal zone of China. This was done using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The bacterial community similarities decreased with spatial distance. Variation of bacterial community was mostly attributed to deterministic (environmental filtering) processes. Sediment sulfate concentrations regulated the balance between stochastic and deterministic bacterial community assembly processes, as indicated by the negative relationship between the stochasticity ratio, and network analysis highlighted increasingly sparse interconnections and less frequent co-occurrences among bacterial communities under greater sulfate concentrations. Our results demonstrate the negative impacts of sulfates associated with coastal aquaculture on sediment bacterial community dynamics, community assembly, and ecosystem function.
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Aquaculture ponds,Biogeography,Deterministic processes,Network stability,Stochastic processes,Sulfate content
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