Microcavity phonoritons – a coherent optical-to-microwave interface

Nature Communications(2023)

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Optomechanical systems provide a pathway for the bidirectional optical-to-microwave interconversion in (quantum) networks. These systems can be implemented using hybrid platforms, which efficiently couple optical photons and microwaves via intermediate agents, e.g. phonons. Semiconductor exciton-polariton microcavities operating in the strong light-matter coupling regime offer enhanced coupling of near-infrared photons to GHz phonons via excitons. Furthermore, a new coherent phonon-exciton-photon quasiparticle termed phonoriton, has been theoretically predicted to emerge in microcavities, but so far has eluded observation. Here, we experimentally demonstrate phonoritons, when two exciton-polariton condensates confined in a μ m -sized trap within a phonon-photon microcavity are strongly coupled to a confined phonon which is resonant with the energy separation between the condensates. We realize control of phonoritons by piezoelectrically generated phonons and resonant photons. Our findings are corroborated by quantitative models. Thus, we establish zero-dimensional phonoritons as a coherent microwave-to-optical interface.
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Bose–Einstein condensates,Frequency combs,Microresonators,Polaritons,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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