Assessing and Modeling Spatial Release From Listening Effort in Listeners With Normal Hearing: Reference Ranges and Effects of Noise Direction and Age *


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Listening to speech in noisy environments is challenging and effortful. Factors like the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the spatial separation between target speech and noise interferer(s), and possibly also the listener's age might influence perceived listening effort (LE). This study measured and modeled the effect of the spatial separation of target speech and interfering stationary speech-shaped noise on the perceived LE and its relation to the age of the listeners. Reference ranges for the relationship between subjectively perceived LE and SNR for different noise azimuths were established. For this purpose, 70 listeners with normal hearing and from three age groups rated the perceived LE using the Adaptive Categorical Listening Effort Scaling method (ACALES, Krueger et al., 2017a) with speech from the front and noise from 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, or 180 degrees azimuth. Based on these data, the spatial release from listening effort (SRLE) was calculated. The noise azimuth had a strong effect on SRLE, with the highest release for 135 degrees. The binaural speech intelligibility model (BSIM2020, Hauth et al., 2020) predicted SRLE very well at negative SNRs, but overestimated for positive SNRs. No significant effect of age was found on the respective subjective ratings. Therefore, the reference ranges were determined independently of age. These reference ranges can be used for the classification of LE measurements. However, when the increase of the perceived LE with SNR was analyzed, a significant age difference was found between the listeners of the youngest and oldest group when considering the upper range of the LE function.
listening effort,categorical scaling,adaptive procedure,reference ranges,spatial separation,spatial release from masking,modeling spatial release from listening effort
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