Granitoids in the Bolshezemel Zone of the Pechora Basin Basement: Composition and U-Pb Age

V. L. Andreichev,A. A. Soboleva, E. G. Dovzhikova, Yu. L. Ronkin,E. L. Miller,M. A. Coble


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present the U-Pb (secondary-ion mass spectrometry, SHRIMP-RG) zircon ages and geochemical characteristics of gran-itoids penetrated by two boreholes at a depth of about 4.5 km in the Bolshezemel zone-the northeasternmost block of the Pechora Basin basement. The age of zircon from granites from the 26-East Khar'yaga borehole is 558 +/- 6 Ma. These granites are similar in composition and age to syncollisional granites of the Charkayu granite-granodiorite complex of the Pripechora fault (suture) zone (555-544 Ma). Dat-ing of zircon from granodiorite from the 2-Veyak borehole yielded an age of 607 +/- 6 Ma. Potassium-rich granodiorites and granosyenites from this borehole have geochemical features of within-plate granites and are correlated with granites (602-595 Ma) of the southeastern part of the Izhma crustal block of the basement, which is supposed to be a submerged part of the northeastern passive margin of the Baltica paleocontinent.
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Key words
Pechora Basin,Bolshezemel crustal block,basement,granites,zircon,U-Pb age
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