Postpartum pyomyoma due to Mycoplasma hominis : A case report.

Case reports in women's health(2022)

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Pyomyoma is a rare condition that causes fever and abdominal pain associated with pregnancy, especially in the postpartum period. An appropriate diagnosis and early medical intervention are required to prevent serious complications. A 38-year-old primigravida with uterine fibroids had fever from the 11th day after cesarean section. The fever did not resolve despite repeated daily administration of broad-spectrum β-lactam antibiotics for 2 weeks. Although the physical examination did not show any lower abdominal pain, a pelvic magnetic resonance scan revealed degenerative fibroids, and myomectomy was performed. Yellow-greenish odorless pus inside the uterus was detected, and was detected in the pus culture. species are resistant to broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotics and can cause pyomyoma. Pyomyomas may not cause uterine tenderness, and the causative organism may be difficult to identify; therefore, additional imaging studies should be considered.
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Key words
CS, cesarean section,CT, computer tomography,DWI, diffusion-weighted image,Degenerative fibroid,MRI, magnetic resonance imaging,Mycoplasma hominis,Postpartum fever,Pyomyoma,US, ultrasonography
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