Comparison of Catch and Fish Interest in Surface LED Lights and Underwater LED Lights at FADs around Rafts in Manado Bay

Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX(2022)

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Manado Bay waters is one of the water areas in North Sulawesi that has potential fishery resources, with fishing efforts using rafts mounted on surface electric lights. For high FAD usefulness, the light used must be able to collect fish that are at great distances both horizontally and vertically. The purpose of this study was to obtain the composition of the fish caught and how much the fish was determined to be when the raft was without lights in the water and when the raft was equipped with lights in the water. The method used was an experiment using 2 (two) types of lights, namely electric surface lights and LED lights in water, and 3 (three) types of fishing gear, namely fishing rods, ring seines and nets). The types of fish caught were dominated by selar fish (Selaroides sp), moonfish (Lampris guttaus), Trevally fish (Caranx sp) and squid (Loligo sp). The fish's interest in the light was observed since the first 15 minutes the lights were turned on, and were around 4 to 6 meters and the longer they were getting closer to the lights for about 1 hour the fish would cluster around the raft for about 2-4 meters.Keywords: FAD, Underwater lamp, Manado Bay.AbstrakPerairan Teluk Manado merupakan salah satu kawasan perairan di Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki sumberdaya perikanan yang potensial, dengan usaha penangkapan ikan dengan alat bantu rakit yang dipasang lampu listrik permukaan. Untuk daya gunanya rumpon yang tinggi, maka cahaya yang digunakan harus mampu mengumpulkan ikan yang berada pada jarak yang jauh baik horisontal maupun vertikal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan komposisi hasil tangkapan ikan dan berapa dalam ketetapan ikan saat rakit tanpa lampu dalam air dan saat rakit dilengkapi lampu dalam air Metode yang digunakan adalah experimen dengan menggunakan 2 (dua) tipe lampu yakni lampu listrik permukaan dan lampu LED dalam air, dan 3 (tiga) jenis alat tangkap yakni pancing, pukat cincin dan jaring). Jenis ikan yang tertangkap didominasi berturut-turut oleh ikan selar (Selaroides sp), ikan moonfish (Lampris guttaus), ikan bobara (Caranx sp) dan cumi-cumi (Loligo sp). Ketertarikan ikan pada cahaya lampu teramati sejak 15 menit pertama dinyalakan lampu, dan berada di sekitar 4 sampai 6 meter dan semakin lama akan semakin mendekat ke lampu kira kira selama 1 jam ikan akan bergerombol di sekitar rakit sekitar 2 – 4 meter.Kata Kunci: Rakit, Lampu Dalam AIr, Teluk Manado.
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