La dimension transitoire et d’expérimentation des tiers-lieux : des trajectoires individuelles à l’essaimage de pratiques

Développement durable et territoires(2022)

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This article examines the scope of temporary urbanism projects regarding the socio-ecological transition. This question is approached from the trajectories in transition of actors of third places located in the Greater Paris Metropolis. The socio-anthropological research reveals a variety of meanings : from the place as an object of a transitional experience through participative building sites, to the place of passage in a nomadic trajectory, to the place of learning in a perspective of anchoring on another territory or to the place of achievement of a professional transition. Through the swarming and networking made possible by its mobile and nomadic actors, the trajectories of committed individuals invite us to think of a “reticular” territory of third places.
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territory,transition,third places,collective workshop,engagement,networking
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