Postcoital visual loss due to valsalva retinopathy: A case report.

Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)(2022)

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Valsalva retinopathy is a rare pathology presenting as a sudden and painless loss of vision affecting young subjects with no medical history. It is the result of an increase of intraocular venous pressure, leading to retrohyaloid haemorrhage. We describe here the clinical presentation of a retrohyaloid hemorrhage resulting from a valsalva mechanism following a sexual activity, in a 28-year-old patient treated by Neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser hyaloidotomy with a visual recovery of 20/20 on 3 weeks follow-up. Valsalva retinopathy is a rare and an easy-to-diagnose pathology that is safely handled by Nd:YAG laser hyaloidotomy for a quick visual acuity recovery.
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Case report,Nd:YAG laser hyaloidotomy,Nd:YAG, Neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet,OCT, Optical coherence tomography,Sexual activity,Swept source OCT,Valsalva retinopathy
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