A Startup Control Method for Plasma Lamps by Using Fractional-N Phase-Locked Loop Microwave Driver


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The microwave-driven plasma light source has the feature of the full spectrum, similar to sunlight, and has broad application prospects. Startups of plasma lamps are very difficult since the plasma density and the resonator impedance are changing constantly with the warm-up process and the RF driver can hardly couple the power to the plasma efficiently. This paper presents a startup control method for plasma lamps by using an integrated fractional-N phase-locked loop (PLL) as the RF signal source. An RF control module including a 21 dBm RF source with a band of 430-460 MHz and detection circuits for the RF driver is developed, and the startup process of the plasma lamp is further studied by analyzing the return loss of the resonator under the plasma load. According to the test result, the maximum frequency deviation of the RF control module is 3.3 kHz over the working temperature range of -40-80 degrees C. The designed RF control module is used to drive a high-power amplifier to start the plasma lamp automatically. It takes 79 s to achieve the stable arc operation from the gas breakdown. The return loss of the resonator is -26 dB, with an incident power of 171 W and reflected power of 418 mW, indicating that the RF driver and the plasma achieve good coupling. Compared with continuous wave, the luminous flux of the lamp powered by RF pulse improves by 18% under the same electric power. This startup control method has stable performance, small temperature drift, and an effective control function for plasma lamps.
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Key words
RF source, fractional-N PLL, automatic control, plasma light source
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