Diagnostic Aspects of an Included Third Molar in an 88-Year-Old Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review


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Included third molars in elderly patients are quite rare in dental practice, and therefore easily misdiagnosed, because these teeth are usually extracted in youth. Additional challenges to correctly diagnosing such a dental condition, and its associated complications, arise from frequent co-morbidities in elderly patients, and from difficult communication with the patient. We report a case of an 88-year-old female patient, who presented in the dental emergency room complaining of a discomfort caused by the sharp edges of her lower incisors, and requesting their extraction; the final diagnosis, of suppurated pericoronitis at tooth 48, was concluded based on the clinical elements and X-ray examination.
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third molar, dental inclusion, elderly patient, pericoronitis, operculectomy, mandibular wisdom tooth
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