Numerical Simulation to Determine the Largest Confining Stress in Longitudinal Tests of Cable Bolts


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Bolt support is an economic method of roadway support. However, due to the influence of mining disturbance, the stress of roadway-surrounding rock changes, thus resulting in varying degrees of confining pressure in the radial direction of bolt. In this manuscript, a numerical solution was proposed to determine the largest confining stress in longitudinal tests of cable tendons. FLAC3D was selected to simulate the longitudinal process of cable tendons. The structural pile element was selected to simulate the cable tendon. The loading behavior of the cable was controlled by the cohesive and the frictional behavior of the cable/grout surface. To confirm the credibility of this numerical solution, the loading behavior of a normal cable and an improved cable was simulated. Experimental longitudinal tests were selected to validate the numerical results, showing that there was a satisfactory agreement between numerical and experimental results. The loading behavior of normal cables and improved cables was numerically simulated. Under the same test conditions, when the improved cable was used, the confining medium can generate much higher confining stress compared with normal cable tendons. Consequently, higher confining stress can result in a larger loading capacity of cable tendons.
loading behavior, fully bonded cable tendons, numerical simulation, largest confining stress
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