Usability: An introduction to and literature review of usability testing for educational resources in radiation oncology

Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology(2022)

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Usability, or the ease with which something can be used, is a key aspect in ensuring end-users can achieve the best possible outcomes from a given educational resource. Ideally usability testing should take place iteratively throughout the design of the resource, and there are several approaches for undertaking usability testing described in the wider literature. Within radiation oncology education, the extent to which usability testing occurs remains unclear. This literature review aimed to assess current practice and provide a practical introduction to usability testing for educational resource design within radiation oncology.Two web databases were searched for articles describing planned or completed usability testing during the design of a radiation oncology educational resource. Fifteen studies were identified. Data was gathered describing the type of usability testing performed, the number of cycles of testing and the number of test subjects. Articles described design of educational resources for both patients and trainees, with the number of test subjects ranging from 8 to 18. Various testing methods were used, including questionnaires, think aloud studies and heuristic evaluation. Usability testing comprised a range of single cycle through to several rounds of testing.Through illustrative examples identified in the literature review, we demonstrate that usability testing is feasible and beneficial for educational resources varying in size and context. In doing so we hope to encourage radiation oncologists to incorporate usability testing into future educational resource design.
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