
Variations in Fish Community Structure at the Lagoon of Yongshu Reef, South China Sea between 1999 and 2016-2019


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Owing to climate change and anthropogenic stressors, the abundance and diversity of reef fishes have globally decreased. However, we know little about the long-term change in reef fishes in the South China Sea (SCS). To reveal the response of reef fishes to these threats in the SCS, based on the fish specimens at Yongshu Reef lagoon collected in 1999 and 2016-2019, this study investigated variations in fish composition and community structure. Additionally, we inferred the changes in the coral cover of Yongshu Reef based on the change of the coral cover of near Meiji Reef in the SCS, sea surface temperature (SST) in Yongshu Reef, and total annual catch of Epinephelinae from China in the SCS. We found that compared with 1999, the number of dominant species in 2016-2019 decreased. The relative dominance of the first dominant species increased from 24.46 in 1999 to 39.44 in 2016-2019. Indices of catch per unit effort, species diversity and richness declined from 1999 to 2016-2019. Community pattern changed with some species with a higher trophic level (3.7-4.5) decreased, while those with lower trophic level (2.2-4.1) increased greatly. Some species with high economic value and important ecological functions decreased or disappeared locally. Correlation analysis indicated that declining coral cover, increasing fishing and rising SST were clearly associated with changes in fish community structure at Yongshu Reef. We speculated that declining coral cover and increasing fishing had a direct impact on the degradation of fish communities at Yongshu Reef lagoon, but increasing SST had an indirect impact on that. To conserve coral reef fish, it is recommended to take rigorous measures for improving habitat and protecting resource.
coral reef fish,species composition,biodiversity,dominant species,coral cover
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