Research and Application of Tobacco Based on Leaf Nicotine Value to Realize Redrying Homogenization Processing

Hao Liu,XuBin Xiao, HongGuang Liu,ZhiHua Li,XiaoJian He


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The main component is the manufacturing process of actual tobacco crushing and the redrying procedure. As a result, it requires a high level of overall stability. People should make sure the maintenance and repair system is appropriately considered as a significant task in redrying. Various flavors, including black and green, were tested for tobacco consumption. According to the researchers who tested for tobacco consumption, the amount of nicotine in tea leaves is proved to he highly varying in some cases, much higher than that found in Solanaceae fruits. Here, describing inexpensive redrying purification for homogenization process (IRPHP), with this technique, colicins can be recovered with a higher detection rate and nicotine levels can be reduced that can be used on food. After k-means cluster verification, one nicotine leaf may be precisely split into several zones for redrying the distribution of exhaust tobacco aroma components (TACs) in various global locations. In general, these findings give essential information to aid in the efficient harvesting and redrying of tobacco plants. Additionally, these data imply that this approach may be used to determine the chemical distributions in leaves that do not have the same arrangement as tobacco leaves.
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Key words
Nicotine value, redrying, homogenization processing
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