Examination of Telerehabilitation Knowledge, Awareness, and Opinions of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Students

Medical science educator(2022)

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Aim To encourage students and professionals to use telerehabilitation, it is critical to understand their perspectives on various aspects of using the service. This study aims to evaluate the awareness, knowledge, and opinions of physiotherapy and rehabilitation students about telerehabilitation. Method In the cross-sectional survey, an electronic questionnaire was sent to 484 students studying at Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. To assess the student’s awareness, knowledge, and opinions of telerehabilitation, a self-administered questionnaire which was created by researching the literature was sent to students that consisted of three sections: “baseline general characteristics,” “knowledge and awareness categories,” and “opinions” categories. Results Only 322 students who completed questionnaires were received, giving a response rate of 66.5%.The median age of the students is 21. One hundred thirty students (40.4%) are aware of telerehabilitation. Most of the students (240; 74.5%) considered the COVID-19 pandemic had contributed to a greater understanding of the importance of telerehabilitation. More than half of the students (201; 66.2%) agreed that the place of telerehabilitation in the education curriculum should be increased. Two hundred thirty-three students (72.4%) reported that telerehabilitation practices will develop further in the future. Conclusion The majority of the students stated that they were not aware of telerehabilitation due to the lack of lesson curriculum. Determining students’ thoughts about telerehabilitation can also guide the future of telerehabilitation practices, the development of various strategies for the implementation of telerehabilitation, and the policies related to physiotherapy education.
Physiotherapy students,Telerehabilitation awareness,Telerehabilitation opinions
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