Modelling of Wave Runup and Overtopping Over Accropode II Breakwater

Krishnasamy V. K.,Jamal M. H.,Haniffah M. R.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR) – Volume 1(2022)

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This paper discusses a numerical model in a study of wave overtopping on a single layer amour unit (Accropode II) breakwater in order to understand the efficiency of the breakwater design by analyzing the wave overtopping and comparing with the physical model results and additional simulation in different crest heights of the breakwater and numerical wave run up analysis. The numerical model used is FLOW 3D. The prototype was physically modelled and tested in the HR Wallingford laboratory in 2012. In the current research, FLOW 3D is used to provide approximate wave runup and overtopping over the breakwater structure. There are three breakwaters of different heights (1.2 m, 1.3 m, and 1.4 m) were made in order to achieve the objective of the project. Hence, the numerical simulations were carried out and compared with the experimental results. Based on the observation of the preliminary simulation, the results show a decrease in overtopping in the numerical study, and the main idea is to understand the FLOW 3D simulation processes.
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Key words
Numerical model, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), Breakwater, Physical model, Wave runup
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