A Two Stage Adaptation Framework for Frame Detection via Prompt Learning.

International Conference on Computational Linguistics(2022)

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Framing is a communication strategy to bias discussion by selecting and emphasizing. Frame detection aims to automatically analyze framing strategy. Previous works on frame detection mainly focus on a single scenario or issue, ignoring the special characteristics of frame detection that new events emerge continuously and policy agenda changes dynamically. To better deal with various context and frame typologies across different issues, we propose a two-stage adaptation framework. In the framing domain adaptation from pre-training stage, we design two tasks based on pivots and prompts to learn a transferable encoder, verbalizer, and prompts. In the downstream scenario generalization stage, the transferable components are applied to new issues and label sets. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in different scenarios. Also, it shows superiority both in full-resource and low-resource conditions.
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