On Randomized Reductions to the Random Strings

Computational Complexity Conference (CCC)(2022)

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We study the power of randomized polynomial-time non-adaptive reductions to the problem of approximating Kolmogorov complexity and its polynomial-time bounded variants. As our first main result, we give a sharp dichotomy for randomized non-adaptive reducibility to approximating Kolmogorov complexity. We show that any computable language L that has a randomized polynomial-time non-adaptive reduction (satisfying a natural honesty condition) to ω(log( n ))-approximating the Kolmogorov complexity is in AM ∩ coAM. On the other hand, using results of Hirahara [28], it follows that every language in NEXP has a randomized polynomial-time non-adaptive reduction (satisfying the same honesty condition as before) to O (log( n ))-approximating the Kolmogorov complexity. As our second main result, we give the first negative evidence against the NP-hardness of polynomial-time bounded Kolmogorov complexity with respect to randomized reductions. We show that for every polynomial t' , there is a polynomial t such that if there is a randomized time t' non-adaptive reduction (satisfying a natural honesty condition) from SAT to ω(log( n ))-approximating K t complexity, then either NE = coNE or E has sub-exponential size non-deterministic circuits infinitely often.
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