Triple-Fact Retriever: An explainable reasoning retrieval model for multi-hop QA problem

2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)(2022)

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Nowadays, multi-hop question answer (QA) problem is challenging and not well solved in the QA community. The dominant bottleneck of the multi-hop QA problem is the need for a reasoning retriever to fetch a document path from an open-domain corpus (e.g., Wikipedia). A reasoning retriever aims to collect an evidence document from large corpora at one hop retrieval and aggregate the evidence for subsequent hop retrieval, which yields a document path after multi-hop retrieval. There exist two challenges, (1) to fetch the evidence document in an efficient and explainable way at one hop retrieval and (2) to update the question information by aggregating the evidence from the retrieved document after each hop retrieval. To address these two challenges, we propose a triple-fact-based retrieval model to effectively retrieve a related document path in an explainable way for each question. We extract a structured representation from the unstructured document and utilize the knowledge of pre-trained language model (PLM) to do the semantic-level matching between the question and document. We evaluate the proposed Triple-fact Retriever model on the recently proposed open-domain multi-hop QA dataset, HotpotQA, and a cross-document multi-step Reading Comprehension dataset, Wikihop. The results 1 1 The source code is available on our website: demonstrate that the Triple-fact retriever outperforms the existing baseline retrieval works.
Multi-hop QA,a reasoning retriever,triple-fact based model
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