
A penultimate classification of canonical antibody CDR conformations


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Antibody complementarity determining regions (CDRs) are loops within antibodies responsible for engaging antigens during the immune response and in antibody therapeutics and laboratory reagents. Since the 1980s, the conformations of the hypervariable CDRs have been structurally classified into a number of “canonical conformations” by Chothia, Lesk, Thornton, and others. In 2011 ([North et al, J Mol Biol. 2011][1]), we produced a quantitative clustering of approximately 300 structures of each CDR based on their length, a dihedral angle metric, and an affinity propagation algorithm. The data have been made available on our PyIgClassify website since 2015 and have been widely used in assigning conformational labels to antibodies in new structures and in molecular dynamics simulations. In the years since, it is has become apparent that many of the clusters are not “canonical” since they have not grown in size and still contain few sequences. Some clusters represent multiple conformations, given the assignment method we have used since 2015. Electron density calculations indicate that some clusters are due to misfitting of coordinates to electron density. In this work, we have performed a new statistical clustering of antibody CDR conformations. We used Electron Density in Atoms (EDIA, [Meyder et al., 2017][2]) to produce data sets with different levels of electron density validation. Clusters were chosen by their presence in high electron density cutoff data sets and with sufficient sequences (≥10) across the entire PDB (no EDIA cutoff). About half of the North et al. clusters have been “retired” and 13 new clusters have been identified. We also include clustering of the H4 and L4 CDRs, otherwise known as the “DE loop” which connects strands D and E of the variable domain. The DE loop sometimes contacts antigens and affects the structure of neighboring CDR1 and CDR2 loops. The current database contains 6,486 PDB antibody entries. The new clustering will be useful in the analysis and development of new antibody structure prediction and design algorithms based on rapidly emerging techniques in deep learning. The new clustering data are available at . ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-30 [2]: #ref-28
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