Recent advances in nanomaterials based sustainable agriculture: An overview

Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management(2022)

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Battle with the adverse impact of climate change on the agricultural productivity and susceptibility of the crops is of premier importance for ensuring food security and sustained agricultural developments. The agro-nanotech innovations offer “low input but maximum output” based agro-farming are well aligned with the desired crops production. This review is designed to summarize the current technical innovations, advantages, challenges, and future perspectives of nanotechnology as a means of improved soil condition, increased plant growth and yield, and disease resistance. The stimulating effects of nanoparticles on seed germination, root growth, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, and biomass or grain yield are also explained. This review also discussed the two directions in which nanoparticles can be applied for plant disease management: either as nanoparticles alone, acting as protectants; or as nano-carriers for fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides. This biological role of engineered-nanoparticles depends on their physiochemical properties, application method (foliar delivery, hydroponics, soil), and concentration. The effects of the different types, properties, and concentrations of nanoparticles on plant growth and disease management are also summarized. Researchers inside and outside the nanotechnology field will be able to get information on appropriate nanomaterials as starting materials in agro-farming. Besides nanotechnology has progressed rapidly in other industries due to many beneficial roles of nanomaterials, but not many nano-enable products have been commercially available for modern farming. So, the only way to carry on the development of the agricultural sector is by considering the fundamental research questions and examining the scientific gaps to offer a rationale and facilitate the growth of commercial nanoproducts.
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