Preserving Healthy Eating Habits: Quelites in the Food System of a Nahua Mountain Community, Mexico

Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Mexico Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions(2022)

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Quelites (edible tender leaves, stems, and flowers) are important components of the Mesoamerican food system, but, according to the literature, their use has been declining. Sociodemographic factors that influence their consumption are not well-known. We studied these factors in relation to species of quelites and commercial vegetables used, sources, preparation, and quantities in the highland Nahua community of Tetlatzinga, Veracruz, Mexico. Twenty families, randomly selected, and school students were interviewed. Food diaries contributed some data. The population consumed 35 species of quelites; the primary source were maize fields (milpas). During the season, May to July, families consumed about 10 kg per week on average. Gender, age, and occupation influenced knowledge and consumption, but not the socioeconomic level, bilingualism (Spanish-Nahuatl), or years of schooling. Contrary to expectations, the consumption of quelites was well-regarded with some nuances among students; family cooks innovated, and quantities approached recommended per capita consumption for all vegetables. Talks by the local health clinic apparently had positive effects. We show that quantitative studies help to understand local decisions and can challenge common beliefs.
healthy eating,healthy eating habits,nahua mountain community,food
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