Local spectroscopy of gate-switchable Chern insulating states in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene


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Twisting and stacking atomically-thin materials provides a versatile platform for investigating emergent quantum phases of matter driven by strong correlation and non-trivial topology. Novel phenomena such as correlated insulating states, unconventional superconductivity, and the quantum anomalous Hall effect have been observed in several twisted moir\'e systems, but fully understanding the underlying microscopic mechanisms remains challenging. Measurements performed on different samples of the same twisted system often exhibit different low-temperature phase diagrams, suggesting that the ground states of these materials could be susceptible to local structural inhomogeneity that is difficult to capture through macroscopic probes. We have used scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to demonstrate the interplay between correlation, topology, and local structural parameters in determining the behavior of twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene. We observe local spectroscopic signatures for correlated insulating states having total Chern number $C_\mathrm{tot} = \pm 2$ at 3/4-filling of the conduction moir\'e mini-band and have characterized their evolution in an out-of-plane magnetic field. We have determined the relationship between topological behavior and local twist angle accompanied by hetero-strain, and show that the sign of $C_\mathrm{tot}$ can be controlled via electrostatic gating over a limited range of twist angles under small strain but not as the strain grows larger. The electrical control of Chern number results from a competition between the orbital magnetizations of filled bulk bands and chiral edge states that is sensitive to strain-induced distortion in the moir\'e superlattice.
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