Adverse drug reaction reporting via mobile applications: A narrative review


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Introduction: Pharmacovigilance importance has increased in the last few decades and it has led to rise in awareness of adverse drug reaction reporting by both patients and health care professionals. Despite this, research shows reporting practice of health care professionals remains inadequate. Several educational and promotional activities were established in order to improve observed underreporting including the introduction of mobile applications that can be used to report adverse drug reactions. Objectives: We aimed to review literature on adverse drug reaction reporting applications and whether their introduction improved reporting practice in patients and health care professionals.Results: In this review, we have described several mobile application implementations in different countries. Moreover, we have illustrated some of the applications for particular patients, e.g. patients with multiple sclerosis. Conclusion: All of the included studies showed positive association between application use and ADR reporting. However, there is a great need for future high quality studies to confirm impact of mobile application on ADR reporting.
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