Statistical properties of mid-latitude TEC time series observed during rapidly developing short-term geomagnetic storms: A contribution to GNSS-related TEC predictive model development

2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC)(2022)

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Total Electron Content (TEC) affects GNSS positioning accuracy due to its effects on GNSS pseudorange measurement. GNSS resilience against the ionospheric effects requires improved accuracy of TEC predictive model. Here a contribution to the subject of self-adaptive positioning environment-aware TEC predictive model development is provided trough statistical analysis of mid-latitude TEC time series observed during rapidly developing short-term geomagnetic storms. Statistical properties of TEC sets and time series are examined to address similarities in range, variability, and information content in order to establish rapidly developing short-term geomagnetic storms as a separate class of the ionospheric event cases, with potential to degrade GNSS positioning accuracy. Results of the analysis show cases of rapidly developing short-term geomagnetic storm share similar statistical properties, notably Shannon entropy and spike index, of TEC observations, which renders them eligible to be addressed with a common TEC prediction model to rise GNSS resilience against the ionospheric effects.
ionospheric effects,self-adaptive positioning environment-aware TEC predictive model development,trough statistical analysis,mid-latitude TEC time series,short-term geomagnetic storms,TEC sets,GNSS positioning accuracy,short-term geomagnetic storm share similar statistical properties,TEC observations,common TEC prediction model,GNSS resilience,Total Electron Content,GNSS pseudorange measurement
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