Detailed Investigation of Influence of Machine learning (ML) and Big Data on Digital Transformation in Marketing

2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)(2022)

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The study explores with Machine learning (ML), which is a type of neural network (AI) that empowers software programmers to start increasing prediction without being done with full to do so. Because data is so valuable, improving strategies for intelligently having to manage the now-ubiquitous content infrastructures is a necessary part of the process toward completely autonomous agents. Computer vision and computer vision have improved a wide range of industries, including medical diagnoses, data display and procedures, science and research, and so. Just as preparing for a sport may be risky for individuals who are prone to injury, learning from contaminated or erroneous data can be costly. As described in the article Approaching Data Science, incorrectly trained algorithms result in expenses for a corporation rather than savings. Because incorrectly labeled, missing, or irrelevant data might impair the accuracy of any algorithm, organizations must be able to vouch for the quality and integrity of any data sets, along with their sources.
machine learning,automatic assistance,Data Acquisition,Data processing,Algorithm,Data Management,Interpretation,statistics,probabilities,data wrangling,imputation,supervised learning,classification,regression,clustering,digital marketing,big data,digital transformation,investigation,Data protection,Security
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