010 Seizure semiology of frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE): a report of two cases with video-telemetry recordings

Rowan Gurney, Fergus Rugg-Gunn,Meneka Sidhu

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry(2022)

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Frontal lobe seizures can be difficult to distinguish from non-epileptic seizures or sleep disorders. Addition- ally, the ictal EEG is often normal. To illustrate the challenging semiology and frequent misdiagnosis of FLE we discuss two patients, accompanied by video-EEG from the Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy. Case 1, a 41-year-old man with right frontal lobe focal cortical dysplasia presented with stereotyped nocturnal focal motor seizures that were associated with right frontal epileptic discharges. Seizures manifested as contralateral head version and tonic posturing of the upper limbs; the characteristic “fencing posture” described in seizures involving the supplementary motor area. In some, these evolved to hyperkinetic seizures. Case 2, a 23-year-old woman with multiple cavernous haemangiomas secondary to KRIT1 gene mutation, presented with stereotyped bipedal cycling movements of the lower limbs and loss of awareness, without associated ictal EEG change. These episodes were previously mis-diagnosed as non-epileptic but were confirmed as epileptic seizures from a right frontal lobe cavernoma. The unusual semiology of FLE represents a diagnostic challenge, which cannot always be resolved with ictal EEG recordings. FLE should be considered with episodes which are nocturnal, brief, stereotyped, motor predominant with, or without, awareness, and often with bilateral upper limb posturing or hyper- kinetic movements. rowan gurney1@nhs.net 30
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