Prediction of drug-likeness using graph convolutional attention network.


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Abstract Motivation The drug-likeness has been widely used as a criterion to distinguish drug-like molecules from non-drugs. Developing reliable computational methods to predict the drug-likeness of compounds is crucial to triage unpromising molecules and accelerate the drug discovery process. Results In this study, a deep learning method was developed to predict the drug-likeness based on the graph convolutional attention network (D-GCAN) directly from molecular structures. Results showed that the D-GCAN model outperformed other state-of-the-art models for drug-likeness prediction. The combination of graph convolution and attention mechanism made an important contribution to the performance of the model. Specifically, the application of the attention mechanism improved accuracy by 4.0%. The utilization of graph convolution improved the accuracy by 6.1%. Results on the dataset beyond Lipinski's rule of five space and the non-US dataset showed that the model had good versatility. Then, the billion-scale GDB-13 database was used as a case study to screen SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease inhibitors. Sixty-five drug candidates were screened out, most substructures of which are similar to these of existing oral drugs. Candidates screened from S-GDB13 have higher similarity to existing drugs and better molecular docking performance than those from the rest of GDB-13. The screening speed on S-GDB13 is significantly faster than screening directly on GDB-13. In general, D-GCAN is a promising tool to predict the drug-likeness for selecting potential candidates and accelerating drug discovery by excluding unpromising candidates and avoiding unnecessary biological and clinical testing. Availability The source code, model, and tutorials are available at The S-GDB13 database is available at Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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