Meaningful Work Across Levels of Analysis

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2022)

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Research on meaningful work has highlighted factors at various levels of analysis that can contribute to sense of meaningfulness, such as individual callings, organizational purpose, and even societal discourse. However, a significant opportunity remains for examining the mechanisms by which experiences and expressions of meaningfulness occur across these various levels of analysis. The presentations in this symposium answer this important call by addressing cross-level influences on meaningful work such as team dynamics, interpersonal interactions, organizational pressures, occupational values and norms, and even societal influences. Fusing vs. Forgoing: How Individuals Make Meaning of Their Work in Interconnected Contexts Presenter: Siyin Chen; U. of Toronto, Rotman School of Management Presenter: Winnie Jiang; INSEAD The Collective Construction of Autonomy and Downstream Effects on Meaningful Work Presenter: Laura Sonday; Kenan-Flagler Business School, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Finding and Feeling Meaningfulness in an Invisible Occupation Presenter: Luke Hedden; Boston College Considering the “We” in “Me”aningfulness: The Impact of Called Members on Team Conflict Presenter: Catherine Kleshinski; Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business Presenter: Kira Franziska Schabram; U. of Washington Presenter: Jennifer Tosti-Kharas; Babson College Presenter: Tiffany Trzebiatowski; Colorado State U. Presenter: Amy Wrzesniewski; Yale U.
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