Strategi membentuk wirausaha baru di kampus

Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis(2021)

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The demand for entrepreneurship at a university is relatively low because there are still many students who are not interested in taking this opportunity. Courage to step is one obstacle to starting. The Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK) is a strategy to motivate and nurture students to become independent new entrepreneurs. The purpose of this activity is to equip students in starting new businesses. The specific target of this activity is to produce seven new independent entrepreneurs among students and alumni. Methods for implementing socialization, education, practicum, and mentoring. The number of students in this program is as many as twenty people from the management, accounting, economic education, and marketing management study programs, Faculty of Economics, Manado State University. The results achieved were the facilitation of new entrepreneurs by as many as seven people with different products. Entrepreneurial students have their own businesses in the form of groups and individuals, including a coffee-inspired cafe booth, an EcoF Kitchen business with burger and hotdog products, and a pottery craft business. The motivation of new entrepreneurs is discussed in this paper. One of the strategies to change student behavior to become an entrepreneur is through a consistent and sustainable Entrepreneurship Development Program

Keywords: Entrepreneurship Development Program, New Independent Entrepreneur, Strategy

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