Using Adaptive Parsons Problems to ScaffoldWrite-Code Problems

International Computing Education Research Workshop(2023)

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In this paper, we explore using Parsons problems to scaffold novice programmers who are struggling while solving write-code problems. Parsons problems, in which students put mixed-up code blocks in order, can be created quickly and already serve thousands of students while other types of programming support methods are expensive to develop or do not scale. We conducted two studies in which novices were given equivalent Parsons problems as optional scaffolding while solving write-code problems. We investigated when, why, and how students used the Parsons problems as well as their perceptions of the benefits and challenges. A thinkaloud observational study with 11 undergraduate students showed that students utilized the Parsons problem before writing a solution to get ideas about where to start; during writing a solution when they were stuck; and after writing a solution to debug errors and look for better strategies. Semi-structured interviews with the same 11 undergraduate students provided evidence that using Parsons problems to scaffold write-code problems helped students to reduce the difficulty, reduce the problem completion time, learn problem-solving strategies, and refine their programming knowledge. However, some students found them less useful if the Parsons solution did not match their approach or if they did not understand the solution. We then conducted a between-subjects classroom study with 81 undergraduate students to investigate the effects on learning. We found that students who received Parsons problems as scaffolding during write-code problems spent significantly less time solving those problems. However, there was no significant learning gain in either condition from pretest to posttest. We also discuss the design implications of our findings.
Parsons Problems,Introductory Programming,Scaffolding,HelpSeeking,Code Writing
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