Cognitive Strategy Prompts: Creativity Triggers for Human Centered AI Opportunity Detection

Creativity and Cognition(2022)

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BSTRACTCreative problem solving and innovation powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires detection of user needs that can be reframed into data science problems. We propose a framework of 10 creativity triggers for creative human centered AI opportunity detection, based on research and categorization of information retrieval tasks and cognitive task analysis. The method aims to facilitate a dialog between data scientists and underrepresented groups such as non-technical domain experts. Impact on problem discovery and idea generation was evaluated in co-creation workshops. Results show that the method significantly increases ideas’ scores on the appropriateness to a specific problem and their AI relevancy. Participants experienced the prompts as a helpful mental framework about AI methods and felt encouraged to decompose user stories into more detailed cognitive tasks that help data scientists relate ideas to high level data science methods.
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