A Novel Construction of Complementary Sequences Set from Complementary Sequences Pairs

2022 10th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA)(2022)

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The construction of complementary sets (CSs) of non-power of two length have raised lots of concerns due to the practical application in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Recently, some works have been reported on construction of CSs with lengths non-power of two using the concatenation or insertion method of the sequences in Golay pair or set. In this paper, we achieved a construction of CSs of lengths $M+N$ for set size 4 based on Golay pair of lengths $M$ and $N$ , where $M$ and $N$ are lengths for which $q$ -ary complementary pairs exists. Also, we achieved a construction of CSs of set size 8 and sequence lengths $M+P$ or $P+P^{\prime}$ , where $M$ is length of $q$ -ary complementary pairs, $P$ and $P^{\prime}$ are lengths of $q$ -ary or complementary sets of size 4 exists. The presented designs can easily be extended to a set size of $2^{n+1}$ by recursive method. One important contribution of our work is that our constructions generalise some the previously reported constructions along with generating CSs under less constraints.
Complementary sets (CSs),Golay complementary pair (GCP),Aperiodic correlation function (ACF)
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