Effects of Kaolin with High Silica Content on Properties of Ceramic Tiles

J. M. N. Jayaweera,M. Narayana,S.U. Adikary

2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon)(2022)

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In general, Quartz, Feldspar, Ball Clay, and Dolomite are the main raw materials used in the tile industry. The availability of quality Ball Clay for the tile manufacturing industry has decreased over the years in Sri Lanka and the tile industry intends to substitute ball clay with another suitable clay. In this study, the New Kaolin source was investigated for the tile industry as the main clay mineral with Feldspar, Dolomite, and Bentonite Clay. Initially, new Kaolin clay was characterized using X-ray diffraction, wet chemical analysis, and differential thermal analysis. It consists of 56.78% of Silica. The body mix of the tiles was prepared and the Particle size distribution of the body mix was determined. The shape of the tiles was obtained using a powder pressing method. Samples were dried in an oven and fired in a muffle furnace at 1100°C, 1150°C, 1180°C, and 1200°C. Relationships between the physical properties of the fired tiles have been established. The improved physical properties of tiles at the firing temperature of 1200 0C complied with ISO 13006 standard. Based on this study, M2 Kaolin can be strongly recommended as a highly appropriate clay material for the ceramic tiles manufacturing industry in Sri Lanka.
Kaolin,Ceramic Tiles,Firing Temperature,Physical Properties
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