The Influence of High Permeability Distributed Photovoltaic Access on Power Grid

2020 4th International Conference on HVDC (HVDC)(2020)

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With the continuous decline in the cost of distributed photovoltaic systems, distributed photovoltaic systems have met the conditions for user-side parity to grid-connected. Its grid-connected capacity and installation penetration rate in some areas have also continued to rise, which has greatly affected the safe and stable operation of the distribution network and the main network. After the high penetration rate of distributed photovoltaic is connected, while increasing the line loss and reducing the economy, it also raises the voltage of the user's grid connection point, increases the neutral line current, and affects the user's power supply quality and power safety. Large-scale access has even changed the operation of the Power grid. This paper analyzes the impact of distributed photovoltaics on the grid from the aspects of voltage rise, line loss, etc., and analyzes the characteristics of distributed photovoltaic output, and finally gives some suggestions to solve the problems of distributed photovoltaics.
Distributed photovoltaic,Output characteristics,Voltage rise
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