Anti-sorting signal design for radio frequency stealth radar based on cosine-exponential nonlinear chaotic mapping

Wireless Networks(2022)

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The anti-sorting transmission is one of the primary RF stealth signals, as well as radio frequency (RF) stealth is one of the greatest significant study areas in radar stealth technology. This study first examines the anti-sorting signal's design basis. Next, it is suggested to use a quadratic stochastic appropriate algorithm on the cosine exponent. Furthermore, utilizing the suggested nonlinear chaotic mapping, a more unpredictable wide-interval PRI signals is created while taking the sorting individual's allowable limits into account. Finally, evaluations of intricacy, equilibrium, and unpredictability confirm the effectiveness of the suggested chaotic mapping. The transmitter capacity for anti-sorting is then modeled. The outcomes demonstrate the intended signal's strong anti-sorting capabilities.
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Anti-sorting signal,Design for radio frequency,Stealth radar,Cosine-exponential,Nonlinear chaotic mapping
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