Land cover and climate drive shifts in Bombus assemblage composition

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment(2022)

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Pollinators play pivotal roles in maintaining agricultural and natural plant communities, yet some bee populations are declining. Loss of pollinator habitats as a result of agricultural intensification and urbanization have reduced bee abundance and diversity. Additionally, climate change has affected bee distributions and led to disruption of plant-pollinator synchrony, impacting ecosystem processes. However, how these factors concurrently influence bee assemblages is poorly understood. Therefore, we evaluated bumble bee (Bombus) assemblages in relation to the proportion of agricultural, semi-natural, and urban land cover and interannual variation in temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity in Utah agroecosystems using Bombus captured as bycatch in pest monitoring traps from 2014 to 2018. Bombus assemblage composition was highest in agricultural sites with increased agricultural land cover in the surrounding area, low temperatures, and high relative humidity during the growing season; and lowest in sites with increased urban land cover, high temperatures, and low relative humidity. Functional dispersion did not differ among these groups indicating a range of tongue lengths, body sizes, hair lengths, and hair types were present within all agricultural sites. Further, high beta-diversity, as indicated by unique Bombus assemblages among sites, suggests that all agricultural sites in this study have potential conservation value for maintaining Bombus communities. Therefore, it is important that diverse habitats for pollinators are maintained through targeted management techniques. Additionally, our collection of Bombus from mid-May to mid-September identified phenological overlap within Bombus assemblages, which helps ensure pollination services are provided even if a particular species is lost due to environmental disturbances. However, while there is overlap in functional traits and phenology, considerations should be given due to widespread pollinator declines. Overall, evaluating landscape and climate variables together may yield more realistic results and better inform effective management and land-use planning strategies to prevent ecological homogenization and to foster future resiliency of Bombus populations.
Bumble bee,Landscape ecology,Landscape composition,Climate change,Agroecosystem
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