Data Feel: Exploring Visual Effects in Video Games to Support Sensemaking Tasks

2022 IEEE 7th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH)(2022)

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This paper explores the use of visual effects common in video games that support a range of tasks that are similar in many ways to analysis tasks supported in visual analytics tools. While some visual effects are meant to increase engagement or to support a game’s overall visual design, we find that in many games visual effects are used throughout gameplay in order to assist a player in reasoning about the game world. In this work, we survey popular games across a range of categories (from casual games to “Triple A” games), focusing specifically on visual effects that support a player’s sensemaking within the game world. Based on our analysis of these games, we identify a range of tasks that could benefit from the use of “data feel,” and advocate for the continued investigation of visual effects and their application in data visualization software tools.
[Human-centered computing]: Visualization—,Visualization techniques.
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