Thermal hazard assessment of TKX-50-based melt-cast explosive

Defence Technology(2022)

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In the present study, thermal hazards of TNT and DNAN used as the molten binder in TKX-50-based melt-cast explosives were comparatively studied through accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and Cook-off experiments. Two kinds of ARC operation modes were performed to investigate the thermal safety performance under adiabatic conditions (HWS mode) and constant heating (CHR mode). The obtained results demonstrated that at both heating modes, DNAN/TKX-50 outperformed TNT/TKX-50 from the thermal safety point of view. However, the sensitivity to heat of the samples was reverse because of the different heating modes. In addition, the results of thermal hazard assessment obtained from the cook-off experiment complied with ARC analysis which indicated the molten binder TNT replaced by DNAN would reduce the hazard of the TKX-50 melt cast explosive. Furthermore, the results of cook-off experiments also showed that DNAN/TKX-50 outperformed TNT/TKX-50 from the aspect of thermal stability, which was consistent with the result of CHR mode because of the similar heating process.
Dihydroxylammonium 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate (TKX-50),2,4-Dinitroanisole (DNAN),Thermal safety performance,Accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC),Cook-off
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