The first 2 decades of the physician assistant movement in the Netherlands.

Arna van Doorn-Klomberg,Bart Ruiterkamp,Geert van den Brink

Future healthcare journal(2022)

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In the Netherlands, the physician associate/assistant (PA) was introduced in 2001. We aim to describe the characteristics of PAs in the Netherlands. Information from public resources, mainly a report on capacity needs and a survey of PAs, was aggregated to provide an overview of the Dutch PA population. Results show that 73% were women; ages between 30 and 59 years were all evenly represented; and there was a wide variety in the background, specialty and location. Overall, the demographic characteristics of the Dutch PA profession are comparable with those of other PA workforces in the world. Presently, the PA movement in the Netherlands has a solid base of central support and national policy. PAs have full practice authority, and their numbers are steadily growing. While demand will eventually level out, the ideal number or PA ratio in the healthcare workforce remains unknown.
health organisation,physician assistant,physician associate,survey,workforce
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