Sizing and forecasting techniques in photovoltaic-wind based hybrid renewable energy system: A review

Journal of Cleaner Production(2022)

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With increasing awareness towards environmental concern, efforts are made to reduce harmful effects of conventional electricity generation methods and uses of renewable sources of energy to generate electricity. India has enormous potential of renewable energy resources to meet its power generation requirements. India can meet with global footsteps in the economic and social advances through the advancement in field of renewable sources. In remote area applications, where grid approach is either not feasible or very costly, hybrid energy systems are recommended to supply electric power needs of single or multiple user utility for household or irrigation applications. In the areas where grids are not connected, electrical power can be generated by solar cells, wind turbine generators, hydro power plants or diesel engine generators. Multiple sources can be combined for generating the desired electrical energy for remote areas. When majority of the sources are renewable generating sources, then the combination is known as Hybrid Energy System.
Hybrid Energy System,Wind speed forecasting,Solar radiation forecasting,Optimization,Sizing
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